Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Evaluations FAQ

*Due to recent changes to the Air Carrier Access Act, we no longer provide ESA assessments or letters for air travel.

Can I schedule an ESA evaluation if I live out of state?
To schedule, you must be in the state of Texas at the time of your assessment.

Will I be under the care of a therapist?
Yes, but only during the assessment. We welcome you to continue individual therapy beyond the ESA evaluation if you and your therapist determine it would be beneficial.

When will I know if I meet the need for an ESA letter?
The evaluating clinician should be able to inform you at the end of the session. However, they may need to discuss your case with a clinical supervisor before making a decision.

What is the WHODAS 2.0 assessment?
WHODAS 2.0 is the first part of our ESA evaluation process. It's a short assessment used to measure health and disability covering six domains of functioning, including cognition, mobility, self-care, getting along, life activities, and participation. We will use your responses on the WHODAS 2.0 in combination with an in-person clinical interview to determine if the need for an ESA exists.

What information will be assessed at the in-person appointment?
The second part of an ESA evaluation is a clinical interview. Your evaluating clinician will look into the impact that your disability has on day-to-day functioning. They will ask questions about how your disability affects you to determine if an emotional support animal could help alleviate symptoms. Additionally, they'll want to ensure that you are capable of caring for the animal.

Should I bring my animal to my in-person evaluation?
No. We ask that you do not bring your animal to the clinical interview. We do not assess the animal. Instead, we evaluate the individual for the need for an ESA. If you bring your animal, we will need to reschedule your appointment. 

How much does the evaluation cost?
The total cost of an ESA evaluation is $125.

Does insurance cover the cost of an ESA evaluation?
Not at this time. ESA evaluations are considered a specialty service and, therefore, not covered by medical insurance.

When will I receive my ESA letter?
If you meet the need for an emotional support animal, you will receive your letter by email within 72 business hours of your evaluation.

If my housing provider will not accept my ESA letter, can you make any revisions?
Yes. However, we are only able to make minor revisions to our letter as it contains all the required information per the Fair Housing Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. In rare cases, a housing provider may also request that we complete additional forms or include more information in an ESA letter. While you're certainly not obligated to provide specifics about your medical condition, we can add details upon your request. Form fees may apply.

Will my therapist be able to complete my housing forms?
Yes. If you meet the need for an emotional support animal, we can complete up to 2 single-page forms at no charge within 30 days of your appointment. After 30 days, the following fee schedule applies:

Form Length: Fee:
single-page forms $25
multi-page forms $150 per hour billed in 15-minute increments

A new ESA evaluation is required to complete any additional forms after 6 months.